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our mission

Global Problems, Global Solutions

Our mission at Cinc City is to be a global leader in integrated design, engineering, and consulting services. We are dedicated to transforming cities into vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive spaces that enhance the lives of citizens. Through innovative thinking, technical expertise, and a deep commitment to social and environmental responsibility, we push the boundaries of what's possible in urban development. We strive to create smart cities of the future, tackling pressing global challenges such as urbanization, climate change, and social inequality. With a focus on collaboration, integrity, and excellence, we aim to shape a more sustainable and equitable world where communities thrive and future generations can prosper.

why choose us

Value Proposition

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Our TeamLeadership

Michael Choi

Founder & President

Gigi Gouraige

VP - Head of Operations

Tom Rafael

VP - Head of Design

Taylor Anderson

VP - Head of Project Management

Prince Foysal

VP - Head of Engineering

Renee Collins

VP - Head of Human Resources
our featured clients

Our Past Performance

Corporate Social Responsibility

Purpose Driven

We are deeply committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and strive to create a positive impact on both the environment and the communities we serve. At Cinc City, we are at the forefront of driving sustainable progress and enhancing the quality of life. We prioritize sustainability, inclusivity, and social well-being in all our projects and initiatives. By fostering collaborative partnerships, embracing ethical practices, and actively engaging with the community, we aim to create resilient cities that empower and benefit all stakeholders. At Cinc City, we firmly believe that our work goes beyond design and engineering; it is about shaping a future that is vibrant, sustainable, and built on principles of social responsibility.

  • Health & Safety
  • Integrity & Transparency
  • Ethical Conduct
  • Diversity & Inclusion
Successful Projects

Since 2018


Nationwide Reach

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